Becoming an entrepreneur

Becoming an entrepreneur

The fear of failure is what keeps most of us in the shadows; we judge our mistakes before we have made them. Taking that leap from the dreaming to the doing is a terrifying prospect.

Pistorius trial – Anguished Os

Pistorius trial – Anguished Oscar tells of Reeva’s tragic last moments

Just as Oscar Pistorius’s testimony re-started today, his ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor – who testified against him in March – tweeted: “Last lies you get to tell. You better make it worth your while.” She claimed he shot a gun through a car’s sunroof but today he denied the incident ever happened. Pistorius said fear drove him to shoot through the toilet door that night and sobbed hysterically as he described cradling a dying Reeva Steenkamp.

Nigeria overtakes SA as Africa

Nigeria overtakes SA as Africa’s biggest economy

It may have been a long time coming, but as South Africa’s economy slows down, Nigeria takes the lead on the ‘Dark Continent’ for the first time. However, a straight comparison of GDP statistics alone may be rather misleading, as population numbers as well as individual spending habits vary greatly between the two nations

Top ten facts you probably did

Top ten facts you probably didn’t know about Robert Mugabe

There’s no question that the 90-year-old Zimbabwean president is know as a controversial figure around the world, to say the very least. But there are several lesser-known facts about Robert Mugabe’s background, some of which might surprise you and perhaps explain some of his more eccentric characteristics and antics