Residents in Cape Town block o

Residents in Cape Town block of flats missing the sun

CAPE TOWN (In Other News) – It’s been almost a week since Zenzile Subisiso has seen the sun. A resident in a block of flats that was draped with a large banner on the weekend, Subisiso said she’d completely lost track of time and have trouble sleeping at night “whenever that is”.

M-Net will fight Cliff with Mi

M-Net will fight Cliff with Mike Ross from Suits

JOHANNESBURG (In Other News) – The network said they were aware of the fact that the actor didn’t have a law degree, either in real life or in the series, but that he proved himself “many times over, especially in season 3”. They hope to fly the US star to South Africa as soon as possible so he can familiarise himself with local laws.

netflix november

Teachers: Netflix will ruin 2016 matric results

JOHANNESBURG (In Other News) – Not everyone is happy about the arrival of Netflix in South Africa. Yesterday the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) slammed the streaming service claiming it could disrupt the class of 2016.

Zuma to use 2016 to find out w

Zuma to use 2016 to find out what a hashtag is

CAPE TOWN (In Other News) – South African president Jacob Zuma has committed himself to finding out what a hashtag is. The presidential search forms part of an aggressive set of New Year’s resolutions aimed at bringing the president “up to date” with social media.