Nikita Cloete

Nikita Cloete

I enjoy working with people and delivering excellent results. When I am not working I am enjoying red wine and the outdoors.

Making millions the John Guaman way
Business & Finance

Making millions the John Guaman way

(Partner Content) Who would’ve thought that a little leap based on faith would make millions in the long run? 24-year-old multimillionaire and entrepreneur John Guaman has come a long way from his dorm room experiments to succeeding big in the marketing world.

Brittney Jones: The ideal business coach
Business & Finance

Brittney Jones: The ideal business coach

(Partner Content) Brittney Jones is a top female business coach who has cemented her place among the world’s top business coaches. She is well known for her effective business transformation methods, and she has helped thousands create and build their online businesses.

Forex trading as a new source of income in South Africa
Business & Finance

Forex trading as a new source of income in South Africa

(Partner Content) You’ve probably heard or read something about forex (foreign exchange), which proves the fact of its widening popularity. Yet, there are a lot of those interested ones who want to go beyond their basic understanding of how this financial market works or just don’t know exactly how to start trading in South Africa. Let us guide you through the whole process.

Entrepreneur Drayson Little is a millionaire at 21

Entrepreneur Drayson Little is a millionaire at 21

(Partner Content) The online business world can be a tricky path to venture into, but Drayson Little has made it look easy. Sure, the difficulties can be overwhelming, but for him, it has been rewarding to overcome all difficulties. Despite his struggles in the business world, Drayson thrived and became a millionaire at a young age.