Nikita Cloete

Nikita Cloete

I enjoy working with people and delivering excellent results. When I am not working I am enjoying red wine and the outdoors.

Pitching Towards the MLB: Landon Bonneville

Pitching Towards the MLB: Landon Bonneville

(Partner Content) The 17-year old prospect is showing the world that you’re never too young to strive for success. Securing three Team-USA appearances, he is known as an excellent right-handed pitcher and frequently plays as catcher for Western Branch Thunder.

Hidden gems of New Zealand
Travel International

Hidden gems of New Zealand

(Partner Content) New Zealand is a favoured destination amongst travellers and adventure seekers the world over. But alongside the well-known must-visit destinations, the country has so many hidden gems across North and South Island, and we are here to let you in on the secret.

The five best laptops for sale

The five best laptops for sale

(Partner Content) Although there are many things to consider when you are buying a new laptop, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the perfect laptop is ultimately the one that will fit in with your work requirements.