Nikita Cloete

Nikita Cloete

I enjoy working with people and delivering excellent results. When I am not working I am enjoying red wine and the outdoors.

Who are the favourites to win the PGA Tour

Who are the favourites to win the PGA Tour

(Partner Content) Of all sports, golf is perhaps one of the most mathematical and data-driven. Accurately aiming for the hole, ensuring that you swing from the correct position, and hit the ball at the right angle will all play a major part in how well a player does.

How Africa can attract investments in 2021

How Africa can attract investments in 2021

(Partner Content) Africa’s economies are at a crossroads. Economic activity has come to a halt as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. Africa’s hard-won productivity benefits, which have been essential in raising living standards over the last two decades, could be undone.