The Optimist | Of Katie and Ki

The Optimist | Of Katie and Kim

Nipple pink Range Rover. It could only belong to one person. Maybe the number plate ‘KP 11 HOT’ will give it away. No? None other than Katie Price, aka Jordan, aka the woman who makes the most money in England out of having fake breasts, reality TV shows and a permanent Oros complexion.

All that freedom – where’s the

All that freedom – where’s the speech?

The DNA of the South African voter is not complicated. It is summed up in the Bill of Rights; it is protected by the Constitution. It has an independent judiciary. It is mirrored through a free press. All these life forces are being threatened by politics, argues Pieter-Dirk Uys.

Khoisan in Londen

Khoisan in Londen

DIE ONDERWYSERES | So amper tien jaar gelede, toe ek nog ‘n ‘groenetjie’ was in Londen, het ek die ding, daai ‘tube train’ of moltrein (in suiwer Afrkaans) vir kort afstande gery – diep onder die aarde, tussen Embankment en Charing Cross!

Oor ons bokkies se jokkies

Oor ons bokkies se jokkies

Hier is ‘n lys van die grootste jokkies wat op ‘n gereelde basis uit die skoner geslag se pruilmondjies kom. Skenk aandag hieraan, internaliseer dit, en maak seker dat dit jou nie onkant betrap wanneer dit nogmaals in die toekoms aan jou opgedis word nie.

The Adjustment phase begins

The Adjustment phase begins

UKSaffa | the reality that I have to at some point think about childcare. I’ve been lucky to be able to work from home, and have a hubby who takes the main brunt of the financial stress, and as such I’ve spent a wonderful 2 years with my daughter doing all sorts of ‘mommy’ stuff I would never have imagined I’d get into.

Antiques from Africa #2

Antiques from Africa #2

As I sit at the Olympia Art & Antiques fair, it strikes me how many people recognise and connect with our country. Even if they visited ten years ago the memories and connection they have with us prompts them to come over and say hello.

Day 16 – Braai 365

Day 16 – Braai 365

BRAAI 365 | I headed up to the cricket ground on the tube with the CADAC carry chef in tow, and after winning our game we fired up the gas and cooked some steaks which were awesome!