Watch South Africa's worst drivers by province vidoe

KwaZulu Natal drivers are the worst when it comes to harsh driving style. Image: Pixabay

WATCH: South Africa’s WORST drivers by province [VIDEO]

Watch news in a minute for a summary of Road Report reveals South Africa’s WORST drivers by province Story.

Watch South Africa's worst drivers by province vidoe

KwaZulu Natal drivers are the worst when it comes to harsh driving style. Image: Pixabay

NEWS IN A MINUTE: Listen or watch the full versions of the ”Report reveals SA’s WORST drivers by province” article in a minute.

Hands up, who thinks SA’s worst drivers reside in the province they’re from? As much as we try, we cannot fully gauge SA’s worst drivers by making a subjective judgement on driving in one area. No, we need to get scientific and measure a couple of metrics to get to an answer. Discovery Vitality put together a report called The Road to a Healthier South Africa. In it the company took 12 months of driver behaviour from its customers’ on-board telematics and was able to come up with the following conclusions: This may surprise you, but the province with the most speeding violations is the Free State, and the least number of speeders reside in the Western Cape. Perhaps no surprise there, considering major national thoroughfares run through the province.

CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE: Report reveals SA’s WORST drivers by province


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