anele mdoda virgin active

Photo: Twitter / Anele Mdoda

The reason why Anele Mdoda cancelled her Virgin Active membership

That time, the boat sailed a long time ago.

anele mdoda virgin active

Photo: Twitter / Anele Mdoda

Anele Mdoda, a South African celebrity and host of the popular show, Real Talk with Anele Mdoda, has caused a stir after she revealed the reason behind her decision to cancel her membership with Virgin Active.

Why did Anele Mdoda cancel her Virgin Active membership?

One could argue that Mdoda’s decision came a bit too late after the dust had settled around the recent debacle concerning the health club.

You see, exactly one week ago, the health club issued a statement, announcing that after much consideration, they have decided to withdraw the charges of sexual assault they had laid against one of the members who, in May, was filmed touching himself inappropriately.

The club’s reason? According to Carla White, Virgin Active’s spokesperson, the teenager needs psychological help, not a tainted future harbouring a sexual assault charge for the rest of his life.

“What he did was wrong, however, we are of the opinion that psychological help may be more appropriate than a criminal sanction. We have an undertaking from his lawyer and family that he is receiving counselling and will continue with this course of therapy.

“We believe this is the most balanced way to deal with the situation,” White had revealed in the statement.

Mdoda believes the teen was targeting a woman at the gym

We are not too sure if Mdoda came across this reasoning at all. However, nothing, it seems, was going to convince her otherwise about the beliefs she had about the ‘other’ reason behind the health club’s decision.