Watch huge VISA backlog at home affairs that’s stifling SA video

The visa backlog has nothing to do with people getting out, but rather workers who can’t get into South Africa. Picture: Xpatweb.

WATCH: Huge VISA backlog at SA home affairs [VIDEO]

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Watch huge VISA backlog at home affairs that’s stifling SA video

The visa backlog has nothing to do with people getting out, but rather workers who can’t get into South Africa. Picture: Xpatweb.

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It’s ironic that with so many South Africans trying to leave the country, it’s a visa backlog for people trying to get INTO the country that’s stifling economic growth. According to a report from Business Tech, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has a visa backlog of 62,000 applications. These are for people and workers trying to get into the country to fill critical skills shortages. Now, visa agent Xpatweb, says the DHA are rejecting applications out of hand to simply try clear the huge visa backlog. The agent specialises in work permits for people coming to South Africa. It says individuals, HR professionals and businesses face lengthy delays and a needlessly complex application process.

CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE: There’s a huge VISA backlog at home affairs that’s stifling SA


Video: The South African YouTube channel

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