Kolisi and Erasmus

Rassie Erasmus and Siya Kolisi with the World Cup trophy. Image: BackpagePix

Could Kolisi become a Springbok coach?

Rassie Erasmus has a plan for Siya Kolisi’s future. Will his inspirational presence be on the field or in the coaching box come 2027?

Kolisi and Erasmus

Rassie Erasmus and Siya Kolisi with the World Cup trophy. Image: BackpagePix

Rassie Erasmus is known for his strategic thinking, and the Springboks’ director of rugby already has a vision for Siya Kolisi’s role in the run-up to the 2027 Rugby World Cup. Writing in the Sunday Times, Mark Keohane explores how Erasmus could shape Kolisi’s contributions, both on and off the pitch, to maximize his impact in Australia.

Kolisi’s Age and Erasmus’s Track Record

While Kolisi will be 37 by the next World Cup, this isn’t necessarily a barrier for a player of his experience. Erasmus’s success in utilizing seasoned veterans like Schalk Brits in 2019 and Deon Fourie in 2023 demonstrates his ability to strategically manage players even in the later stages of their careers.

“Kolisi is a national treasure…,” Keohane emphasizes. He stresses that Kolisi’s potential participation isn’t about sentimentality; it’s about whether he can still contribute positively, be it as a player or a mentor.

Kolisi: More Than Just a Player

Kolisi’s value to the Springboks goes far beyond his tackles and carries. His leadership and inspiring presence have a galvanizing effect on the team. Keohane notes, “Kolisi’s presence for the Springboks is a tangible.

When he is there, the difference is obvious.” This suggests a potential role for Kolisi even if his active playing time needs to be reduced.

Strategy as a Guiding Principle

Erasmus, in the past, successfully managed Duane Vermeulen’s workload, preserving the veteran for key matches and relying on him for leadership and experience. A similar approach is likely in the works for Kolisi. It’s about finding the optimal balance to get the most out of this legendary player for the benefit of the team.

The Road to Australia

Over the next four years, expect Erasmus to closely monitor Kolisi’s fitness and form. The plan will evolve and adapt to maximize Kolisi’s impact at the 2027 World Cup. Whether he’s leading the charge on the field or guiding the team from the sidelines, Siya Kolisi’s role with the Springboks remains significant under the watchful, strategic eye of Rassie Erasmus.