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Our pets add more to our lives than is often realised, including love, companionship and the emotional connection that humans crave. Photo: Shutterstock

Expert opinion | Ask our vet: Help! My dog eats everything

Our pets add more to our lives than is often realised, including love, companionship and the emotional connection that humans crave.

Pets dogs cats horse

Our pets add more to our lives than is often realised, including love, companionship and the emotional connection that humans crave. Photo: Shutterstock

Our pets add more to our lives than is often realised, including unconditional love, companionship and the emotional connection that humans crave.

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So, when they fall sick, stop eating or are generally not themselves, it’s often an emotional time for owners.

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Booking an appointment at a veterinary hospital or clinic can be stressful, with owners quick to jump to a ‘worst case’ diagnoses.

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To help ease the stress of the waiting room at your nearest vet, The South African website has enlisted the expert opinion of veterinarian Nyahoda Bertha Faustina to help answer your questions regarding what might be ailing your beloved pet.

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Do you have a question regarding your pet’s health that you’d like an answer to?

If so, let us know by clicking on the comment tab below this article or by emailing or sending a WhatsApp to 060 011 021 1

QUESTION: Help! My dog eats everything!

When a dog keeps eating everything especially non-food items it might have a condition know as pica.

Pica is a common disorder, this is when an animal anything in an attempt to get missing nutrients not available in the diet provided.

This condition should be differentiated from when your dog chews something for attention.

Pica can lead to your fur baby eating harmful and dangerous things that might lead to organ failure or obstruction of the intestines.

This might lead to surgeries and other complications that might lead to death. 

In other instances, your fur baby might chew or eat non- food items as they are bored, lonely, stressed, anxious or underlying health problems.

It’s always advised to see a vet to rule out underlying health problems. 

To make your dog less bored, lonely or stressed, provide toys, take them for walks, play mind activating games, always provide times for them to give them TLC and attention.

All these activities will help keep the fur baby’s mind activated and stimulated.

Always clean and remove dangerous items or objects of interest.

Training the dog or puppy the ‘drop it’ and leave it command also helps to give you time to get the item before the dog swallows it. 

For stress and anxiety problems it always advised to see a vet or animal behaviorist to help along the journey. 

Puppies will explore their surroundings as they are curious and eat almost anything that comes their way compared to adult dogs and they usually out grow this behavior.

A breed of dog that is well know for eating non-food items are Labradors. 

DISCLAIMER: Always seek the advice of your nearest veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.