Dogs may occasionally find enjoyment in music

Dogs may occasionally find enjoyment in music. Image: Pexels

Does my dog enjoy music?

Whether dogs enjoy listening to music is uncertain due to differing perceptions of sound and limited research evidence.

Dogs may occasionally find enjoyment in music

Dogs may occasionally find enjoyment in music. Image: Pexels

Does your dog perk up when you switch on the radio, or do they retreat with a whimper? You might be wondering if your furry friend truly appreciates music, or if they’re simply reacting to the noise. The truth is, it depends!

Canines hear the world differently than us. Their wider range of hearing means they pick up on sounds we can’t, and what sounds pleasant to us might be jarring to them. Studies suggest that music can have a definite impact on our four-legged friends, though their enjoyment might not be in the same way we experience it.

Petplan suggests that the extent to which dogs perceive music in a manner similar to humans remains unclear. While dogs can hear sounds, their hearing range might limit their ability to discern musical notes as we do.

Calming Classics or Heavy Metal Mayhem?

Research indicates that genre plays a big paw in a dog’s reaction. Soothing melodies with a slow tempo, like classical music, often have a calming effect. Studies have shown it can reduce stress in kennels and shelters, with pups spending more time relaxed and resting. Conversely, loud genres like heavy metal can trigger barking and agitation.

Tailored Music for our Tail-Waggers

It’s not just about calming nerves. Some pups seem to actively enjoy certain types of music. There’s even a growing trend of music specifically composed for dogs, featuring calmer tempos, familiar sounds like nature noises, and even rhythms mimicking a dog’s heartbeat.

Decoding Your Dog’s Musical Preferences

So, how can you tell if your dog enjoys music? Here are some clues:

  • Relaxation: Does your dog settle down and doze off when certain music plays?
  • Perked Ears: Are their ears perked up, showing interest in the sound?
  • Tail Wags: A rhythmic tail wagging along to the beat could be a sign of enjoyment.
  • Whining or Yawning: These might indicate the music is overwhelming or boring them.

Experiment and Observe about Dogs and Music

The best way to discover your dog’s musical preferences is to experiment! Play different genres at various volumes and observe their behaviour. If they seem stressed or agitated, switch it off. But if they’re relaxed and engaged, you might have discovered your dog’s doggy disco favourites!


Artificial Intelligence assisted in compiling this article.