Deer meat

Venison is less common and harder to find because deer aren’t as widely farmed as other animals. Image: Nadin Sh/Pexels

Can I feed my dog deer meat?

Venison or deer meat is typically more expensive than other meats, and even dog food with it tends to cost more.

Deer meat

Venison is less common and harder to find because deer aren’t as widely farmed as other animals. Image: Nadin Sh/Pexels

Dogs can eat deer meat, which is called venison. It’s similar to beef.

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Dogs are flexible carnivores, meaning they like and do well with a lot of meat, but they can also eat some plant matter.

It’s essential to cook deer meat thoroughly before feeding it to your dog.

Raw meat might pass on illnesses and parasites, so it’s safer to cook it for your dog.

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The Downside of deer meat

Venison is less common and harder to find because deer aren’t as widely farmed as other animals.

When buying venison, it might only be available during certain seasons.

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Venison dog food options are limited, so finding the right one for your dog can be a challenge.

Venison is typically more expensive than other meats, and even dog food with venison tends to cost more. It’s not as widely produced as beef, chicken, or lamb.


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