Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil won’t harm dogs if they get a bit. Image: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Can I cook homemade dog food using vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil won’t harm dogs if they get a bit. Dogs usually prefer animal fats. Too much fat can lead to problems like obesity.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil won’t harm dogs if they get a bit. Image: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Cooking often uses vegetable oil. It’s in many things.

You might think, “Is it okay for my dog?”

You could give it without knowing.

The good news: It’s usually safe for dogs.

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Is vegetable oil harmful to dogs?

Vegetable oil won’t harm dogs if they get a bit.

It’s mainly made from plant oils like canola or sunflower.

It might even be in your dog’s food. But, there’s something to keep in mind.

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Dogs usually prefer animal fats. Too much fat can lead to problems like obesity.

High fat can cause pancreatitis, a painful issue.

The pancreas gets inflamed and causes pain, weakness, and diarrhea.


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