Mmusi Maimane threatens to take government to court over day zero

Op-ed: DA’s quick fix policies will turn the economy around

The rand’s recent downgrade to junk status by S&P, brought on by rampant looting of the state, will hurt the poorest most. It is a clarion call to action. We South Africans need to make some smart changes to reverse our spiralling poverty and debt trap. We must enable an open, high growth, high jobs economy.

free education mukovhe morris masutha

A South African case study: How to transform student support efforts

South Africa’s universities have created a number of programmes to address the historic – and still existing – imbalance between black and white students. Black students are more likely than their white peers to drop out without completing their degrees. Many experience deeply rooted institutional racism. (I use the word “black” here in the South African context […]