Oscar Von Memerty’s hopes for

Oscar Von Memerty’s hopes for the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Well-known South African entertainer, Oscar Von Memerty, has recorded a YouTube video, hoping to attract the attention of Ellen, and he needs your help.

Oscar Von Memerty’s hopes for

Instead of recording his clip and leaving it at the show’s studio in LA, Von Memerty has decided to let social media help him grab Ellen’s attention, so he is appealing to the public to share the video and tag DeGeneres.

“The video showcases the three things that Ellen loves having on her show. Firstly, topless dudes; secondly, motivational and inspirational stories; and lastly, dancing and entertainment,” says Von Memerty.

Watch the full promo video here, and then share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp to help get Oscar to Ellen.