
14 January is vision board day. Image:

Visualise your dreams – it’s vision board day

Time to make your dreams a reality and visualise exactly what you want to achieve this year – today is vision board day


14 January is vision board day. Image:

Vision boards are a great way to visualise your dreams and work at making them come true – 14 January is vision board day.

The history of vision board day

As early as 2010, a popular trend among various groups of friends emerged: Vision Board parties.

These get-togethers were held in a fun setting so that friends could talk about their dreams, set goals, and identify how they wanted to make those things happen.

The idea, loosely based on the law of attraction, is that putting the goals “out there” makes them more likely to be accessible and attainable.

Of course, these gatherings typically include the activity of creating vision boards, which resemble collages made from collected items or pictures that represent what that person hopes for, dreams of, and desires in the coming year.

People frequently have broad goals that are “out there,” but using a vision board can help to make those goals more concrete.

 Vision board day, founded in 2015 by Kellan Lutz and Ryan Daly, is intended to encourage people to write down their goals for the year, making them more likely to be met.

This is intentionally scheduled for a Saturday in January, at the start of the new year, to allow people to look ahead and hopefully be more motivated to draw out their goals.

ALSO READ: It’s make your dreams come true day