
A Cape Town man caused panic when he shared an image of what seemed to be sea spiders. Image Jan Vorster Facebook.

SEA SPIDERS? Man causes panic on social media with this picture

A Cape Town man has inadvertently caused worldwide panic on social media when he shared photographs of what looked like sea spiders


A Cape Town man caused panic when he shared an image of what seemed to be sea spiders. Image Jan Vorster Facebook.

A man from Cape Town has inadvertently caused worldwide panic on social media after posting an image of what seemed to be spider like creatures next to the ocean.

Raising awareness for environmental issues

Jan Vorster of Still Bay, Western Cape, South Africa, took a photo on the beach and posted it to Facebook in the hopes of raising awareness about environmental issues, Lad Bible reports.

This photo caused confusion and panic and was widely shared on social media.

Some labeled these shapes as ‘sea spiders.’

‘Sea spiders’ actually dead aloe vera plants

The eerie photos shared on social media were actually of dead aloe vera plants, not ‘sea spiders.’

Aloe vera is a succulent plant species in the Aloe genus and has many healing properties.

He arranged the plants with tentacles to create an otherworldly effect in his photographs.

Vorster stated that he thought he could use this as a metaphor for how people see these plants as aliens.

He further stated that we, as humans, are two-legged aliens messing up the world.

“I was surprised. I thought that people would have fun with it, but then it was very serious, some of it was extremely serious.” Vorster said.

Vorster stated that many people were afraid of these ‘creatures’ and were afraid to go into the ocean.

ALSO READ: Watch: In Brazil, it rains spiders from the sky